We hope you’ll spend time learning about the history and ecology of Tuscaloosa waterways. To that end, we’ve created a list of links that connect you to salient facts and good stories.
Also in these links you’ll find inspiration for lantern-building. For example, you might want to build a lantern of an indicator species, or a species of animal that indicates the living conditions of a certain environment. The Friends of Hurricane Creek knew that when the mayfly returned to the creek, living conditions had improved! See the Friends’ website for more ideas.
- Black Warrior Riverkeeper, “River Facts“
- Friends of Hurricane Creek, “Learn and Explore“
- Tuscaloosa Parks and Recreation, “Hurricane Creek Park,” with a few “historical notes”
- “Indigenous Tuscaloosa” report by Dr. Julia Brock’s Foundations in Public History class at UA, fall 2020
- UA Hoole Special Collections, digital collections related to the Black Warrior River
- The Facebook Group Black Warrior River Watch and History has historical photos and stories of the river.