Parade and Evening at the Pool
Q: Will the event be cancelled in the event of rain?
A: If a strong chance of severe weather is predicted at event time, we will cancel the event. Please check our Facebook page and website FAQ for updates on Friday May 20 and Saturday May 21.
In the event of cancellation, every effort will be made to reschedule the event.
Q: Where do I park?
A: You’ll find parking along Greensboro Ave near Hotel Indigo; in the public library parking lot; in the Synovus parking along the Riverwalk; or in the Manderson Landing parking lot on the Riverwalk. There’s a wedding at the River Market so that lot is likely to be full. You may also use the Joyride service if you park farther away from the parade site.
Q: Is this event wheelchair accessible?
A: The lantern parade is on the Tuscaloosa Riverwalk, which is paved and wheelchair accessible. The Transportation Museum has accessible parking spaces if needed–there will be a barricade up but an attendant will be on site. There are also accessible spaces in Tuscaloosa Public Library’s parking lot and at Synovus Bank, both of which will be open to participants.
The Mildred Westervelt Warner Transportation Museum is a ground-floor facility with wheelchair accessible entrances. We will have ADA-compliant port-a-johns on site and there are ADA-compliant bathrooms in the museum.
Q: How can I be in the parade?
A: Just show up! Gather near the Bama Belle on Tuscaloosa’s Riverwalk by 7pm. Bring a lantern if you made one, bring a smile if you didn’t! Please respond to our Facebook Event.
Q: What if I didn’t attend a lantern workshop?
A: You can build your own with inexpensive materials like tissue paper, balsa wood, glue or tape (materials you can find at Michael’s) or things you find around the house (sticks, leaves, paper). See our DIY Lantern guide and media page for ideas.
Q: Do I need my own lantern light?
A: We’ll have lights you can check out at the Bama Belle to use in your lanterns during the parade. If we run out, cell phone lights work, too. We hope to minimize the consumption of plastic when possible.
Q: How long does the parade last?
A: The parade route is just over half a mile. We will cross the street (with the help of TPD) to the Mildred Westervelt Warner Transportation Museum for “An Evening at the Pool.” There, you can hang your lantern, enjoy food trucks and colorful lighting, and visit information tables of local waterkeepers. You can also view the Swimming Together exhibition inside the museum. The gathering will continue until 10pm.
Q: Should I be concerned about COVID-19?
A: While we look forward to the event, the health and safety of our guests remains our top priority. Please do not attend the event if you are experiencing any of the following symptoms: cough, shortness of breath, sore throat, muscle, aches, headache, chills/shaking, lost sense of taste/smell, fever greater than 100.4°F
We encourage masking and physical distancing from other parade goers.
Q: How can I help?
A: Being in the parade is very important- the more people we have, the more beautiful the parade will be! Tell your friends and bring a lantern if you can. If you’re interested in helping with event setup, please email us at with a subject heading “VOLUNTEER”.
Q: What if I still have questions?
A: Please email us at!
Lantern Workshops
Q: Who can come to build a lantern?
A: Anybody!
Q: How much do the lantern workshops cost?
A: Nothing- all Flow Tuscaloosa events are free to the public.
Q: What materials are you using to build lanterns?
A: Tissue paper, balsa wood, glue and tape, scissors, recycled plastic bottles.